JOY LORICO: – Organizer Par Excellence

            The woman behind today’s planning session won’t be around to oversee the culmination of her sacrifices. The main proponent or more aptly the main provocateur of change in the ARBEX community simply can’t make her presence felt.


            The unfortunate accident she met in Malaysia overpowered her will to become one of the major presenters of the program. Although reportedly recuperating well, she is temporarily scheduled to come home on Wednesday, October 9.


            Her friends reported that Joy is still in high spirits and making inquiries on the final preparations for the program. Despite her condition, the organization’s welfare still occupies her heart and mind. The consummate organization woman that she is, she still yearns for the resounding success and eventual resolution of our goals and aspirations.


            Joy’s never-ending dynamism, thought-provoking fortitude and iron-willed commitment deserve our highest admiration. We are sure that an ARBEX tribute is in the offing. We are one in praying for her speedy recovery and hope to see her ever lovely and lively countenance. Attagirl Joy!  Godspeed.